From the Publisher

March 16, 2022

Dreams, Destiny and Design. Words that represent both action and outcome if we consider that to reach our destiny, we must first dream and then design a way.

And, if our dream is indeed our destiny, which came first, that destiny or the dream? Those who achieve their goals don’t spend much time pondering such chicken and egg conundrum but it is worth noting they do act as if their visions are, in fact, reality and go about realizing them on the fly. 

Luxury private cinema is an amenity that has run the gamut of destiny and dreams. Its emergence, as home theater, seemed predestined by the steady improvement of home electronics and a continuing struggle for superiority between TV and the movies.  Some 30 plus years ago a cinematic type of experience became possible at home! Advances by both camps continued to elevate the cinematic universe to greater heights, both at home and in the theater. 

Much has and will be said about this but in 2020 many realized the benefit, and suddenly the need, of a true cinematic experience at home. Read this edition’s Cinema Story, Dreams Do Come True, to find out how one family has realized their theater dream by creating a private cinema that really feels like going out to the movies, but without the crowds!

Adding to the destiny theme with this edition’s Cinema Sommelier, we celebrate both Women’s History Month and The Oscars with our choice of Unbroken, directed by Angelina Jolie.  The story of war hero, Louis Zamperini, took some 58 years to be told on screen and, according to producer Matt Baer, would not have happened without Jolie. This review features perspectives from curators, creators and cinema connoisseurs, a collaboration that will have you cueing up this emotionally impacting story again but with a richer background by which to experience it. Don’t miss our special artist’s feature with insight from Oscar nominated supervising sound editor, Andrew DeCristafaro!

Speaking of heroes, luxury private cinemas, like movies, reap the benefits of many dedicated and talented contributors in the course of their production.  In Cinema Intelligence, we hear from one such unsung hero as she sings the praises of her colleagues, bringing to light the many who come together in realizing our private cinema dreams. Don’t embark on your own private cinema journey without this casting call of who’s who of a private cinema team extraordinaire. Let the credits roll!

Art and private cinema have shared a tenuous relationship over the years, but one must wonder why. After all, film is art. Displaying other media however in a room designed and engineered to exhibit film as it should be experienced, is not often straightforward. As fate would have it, a serious form of art has emerged that not only requires the attributes of a luxury private cinema, it may well raise the bar of cinema design and engineering by providing additional requirements for us to do our best work! Read Cinema Inspiration and don’t be surprised by a new desire to commission your own luxury private cinema and new media art gallery!

Rounding out this second edition is our Cinema Currents feature. In a sort of “Oscars tasting flight,” we are offering a teaser of some of this year’s front runners and scenes you may find yourself enjoying time and again. Spoiler alert. Don’t be surprised to find upcoming Cinema Sommelier reviews of several of these!  Share these cuts with friends when you share your private cinema with them. And don’t forget to share The Cinema Connoisseur. Your friends will thank you when they find the pleasure of becoming cinema connoisseurs too!

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